The NSW and Australian Governments have now announced the economic support package up to $5.1 billion aimed at helping businesses and individuals through the current COVID-19 lockdown.
COVID-19 Business Grant
Business, sole trader or not-for-profit organisations impacted by the current Greater Sydney COVID-19 restrictions are able to apply for a grant of up to $15,000 from 19 July 2021. The grant can be used for business expenses such as rent, utilities and wages, for which no other government support is available.
Three different grant amounts will be available depending on the decline in turnover in a two week period experienced during the restrictions as compared with an equivalent period in 2019:
$7,500 for a decline of 30% or more
$10,500 for a decline of 50% or more
$15,000 for a decline of 70% or more
Full eligibility criteria will be available soon from the NSW Government however as per past grants, where the 2019 comparable period has not been an accurate representation of turnover, another period has been permitted for qualifying purposes, further information is yet to be released on this.
Applications for the business support grants must be made through Service NSW.
Micro Business Grant
A new grant program has also been introduced for smaller micro businesses with turnover between $30,000 and $75,000 impacted by the Greater Sydney COVID-19 restrictions which experience a decline in turnover of 30 per cent. These businesses will be eligible for a $1500 payment per fortnight of restrictions from late July 2021.
Applications for the business support grants must be made through Service NSW.
Payroll Tax Deferrals
Payroll tax waivers of 25 per cent for businesses with Australian wages of between $1.2 million and $10 million that have experienced a 30 per cent decline in turnover, as well as payroll tax deferrals and interest free repayment plans.
Business Support Grant or Cashflow Support
A new business support grant scheme to provide cashflow support to small and medium businesses impacted by the current health restrictions to help them retain staff.
Businesses with an annual turnover of between $75,000 and $50 million will receive support on the basis they maintain their current staffing levels at 13 July 2021. Businesses with a turnover that is 30 per cent lower than an equivalent two weeks in 2019 will receive between $1,500 and $10,000 per week. The exact amount will be calculated as 40 per cent of the business’s payroll payments. The scheme will include sole traders with a flat payment of $1,000 per week.
The scheme will be implemented by Service NSW and will be jointly funded by the State and Federal Governments.
COVID-19 Disaster Payment
This support is a lump sum payment to help workers unable to earn income due to a COVID-19 lockdown, hotspot, or period of restricted movement per claim period.
The key eligibility dates are outlined below:
Event Event Dates Claims Open Claims Close
Sydney 1 July to 7 July 2021 1 July 2021 28 July 2021
Sydney 8 July to 14 July 2021 8 July 2021 4 August 2021
Sydney 15 July to 16 July 15 July 2021 11 August 2021
Greater Sydney 4 July to 10 July 2021 4 July 2021 31 July 2021
Greater Sydney 11 July to 16 July 2021 11 July 2021 7 August 2021
The eligibility criteria is as follows:
Must be an Australian resident or hold an eligible working visa;
Must be 17 years or older;
Must not be receiving an income support payment, ABSTUDY Living Allowance, Dad and Partner Pay or Parental Leave Pay;
Must not be receiving the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment, a state or territory pandemic payment or a state small business payment for the same period;
Must live in, work from or have visited a Commonwealth-declared COVID-19 hotspot
Must live in, work from or have visited a location subject to a state or territory restricted movement order
Must have had paid employment and because you were in the COVID-19 hotspot or are subject to restricted movement, you can’t attend work on or after day 8
Must have lost income on or after day 8 and don’t have any appropriate paid leave entitlements
If you are claiming for a period prior to the third week of lockdown, you have liquid assets of less than $10,000. Liquid assets are any funds readily available to you in cash or savings, or assets that can easily be changed into cash.
The amount of each payment is as follows:
First and second periods (1 July 2021 – 14 July 2021)If you lost less than 20 hours work per week, eligible people will receive $325 for each period;
If you lost 20 hours or more of work per week, eligible people will receive $500 for each period.
Third period and beyond (From 15 July 2021)
If you lost between 8 and less than 20 hours per week, eligible people will receive $375 for each period;
If you lost 20 hours or more of work per week, eligible people will receive $600 for each period.
Information on claiming can be obtained from the Services Australia website.
For residential tenants – short-term eviction moratorium for rental arrears where the tenant suffers loss of income of 25 per cent due to COVID-19 and meets a range of criteria.
For commercial tenants – no recovery of security bonds, or lockouts or evictions of impacted retail and commercial tenants prior to mediation.
Residential landlords who decrease rent for impacted tenants can apply for:· A capped grant of up to $1500 for residential landlords who are not liable to pay land tax.· Land tax relief equal to the value of rent reductions provided by commercial, retail and residential landlords to financially distressed tenants, up to 100 per cent of the 2021 land tax year liability
The detail behind many of these grants and measures is not yet available and general information only has been provided through Government media releases.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact our office on (02) 7226 1226 or We will update as the details are announced.